About Us

Our founder is a Licensed Educational Psychologist, who was short attention/high energy himself as a child. He is also high intelligence, making him Twice Exceptional. As a 4th grader, he was selected for the gifted and talented math program at his elementary school, along with a peer who became the valedictorian and is a pediatrician today. While he was just as intelligent as the future pediatrician, he didn’t like to “sit still” in his chair very long, and he was removed from the gifted math program. His mother was outraged that a highly intelligent child would be removed from a gifted program just because he needed to move around more. She met with the school, only to be told “Sorry, if he can’t sit still, he can’t be in the gifted math program”. After recovering from her initial shock, she decided “that’s okay, I’ll build what he needs myself, at home”. Her son continued to attend public school and also received highly customized tutoring at home, which was specifically designed for his learning style. That little boy has now grown into a Licensed Educational Psychologist whose greatest passion is to teach other parents how to do what his mom did for him. It is possible to work in harmony with the school system, and get your child exactly what s/he needs. Don’t blame the teachers or the administrators, they simply haven’t been trained in this highly specialized area. But you can be. To learn how, just click here.