Full Time School…On Its Way!

No child should ever hate learning. If a child hates learning, it's because there is something wrong with the learning environment.

As the parent of a child with unique learning needs, you are well aware of the extraordinary need for schools who do things differently…making learning joyful for children.

The exciting planning continues over here, to open our full-time school. Our goal is for our school to be cost-free for our families…and it takes a lot of advance funding to make that possible! Average tuition at an ADHD academy in California is $44,631 per year. The wheels are in motion to open our tuition-free academy in Bakersfield as soon as possible. Planning is even underway to include a limited number of boarding school openings for our families where a daily commute to Bakersfield isn’t possible. To stay informed of our progress, please join our update list with the form below, and we’ll keep you up-to-date!